李湘前夫、I Do鉆戒創始人李厚霖成“老賴”
中國執行信息公開網信息顯示,近日,因被執行人履行情況全部未履行,“I Do”品牌創始人李厚霖被天津市濱海新區人民法院列為失信被執行人。...
Do women do better in a recession?
Female managers just might have an edge in a rotten economy, says the author of a new book. Here's why, and how men and women can learn from each othe...
The Informant: 'I thought I was bulletproof'
Former ADM exec and whistleblower Mark Whitacre talks about watching his life on screen in Steven Soderbergh's dark comedy, 'The Informant!'By Alyssa ...
排名:?20公司: 恒信鉆石機構職位: 創始人、董事長年齡: 37歲在中國珠寶行業,李厚霖有兩招領先之舉。1999年,他打造了恒信鉆石宮殿,成為中國珠寶直營店的“航母”,顛覆了該行業傳統經營理念。之后,他創辦了全球第一婚戒品牌I Do。...
李厚霖2839 歲恒信鉆石機構創始人、董事長(23)在20出頭的年紀,李厚霖已在北京最繁華的購物廣場——東方新天地開設了第一家恒信鉆石宮殿。之后,他接連成功推出了“I Do”、“ooh Dear”兩個鉆飾品牌。其國際化的視野、前瞻性的經營理念使恒信迅速發展為中國珠寶行業的領軍企業。在商界取得成就之外...
Do you like your job?
By Stanley BingOn this last Monday before Labor Day, as the summer lies dying and the new school year begins for us all, a question has bubbled up in ...
When do you tell your boss?
By Stanley BingThere have been several kerfluffles around my office recently, all revolving around the same issue: What do you tell your boss and when...
Why Microsoft and Yahoo had to do a deal
By Patricia Sellers“Every key word that every advertiser in every part of the world would put on Google, I want on our system.”That’s what Microsoft (...